Events Shell Creek Valley Days 2023 Street DanceCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeStreet Dance Rodeo/Bull RidingCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeRodeo & Bull Riding Penny DiveCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakePenny Dive Car ShowCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeCar Show Park EventCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakePark Event Shell Creek Valley Days ParadeCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeShell Creek Valley Days Parade Kids' EventCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeKids' Event Kids' EventCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeKids' Event Shell Creek Valley Days ItineraryCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeShell Creek Valley Days Itinerary Fun RunCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeFun Run Fun RunCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeFun Run FireworksCity Park showing some of the original cottonwood trees planted by the city's namesakeFireworks